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Hivestorm League Pack


Welcome, people. The new edition of Kill Team is here and to mark the occasion, Wrexhammer have kindly agreed to host a friendly Wednesday league.

The idea is to provide a platform for people to learn the game / new edition, whilst adding a bit of structure.

Hopefully this leads to a thriving Wrexhammer Kill Team community, where we can all find games moving forward.


League Play

Initially, the league will run in sports fashion, every player playing every other player once, with three points for a win, one point for a draw and zero points for a loss.

Those players occupying the top four league places at the end of the regular season will enter into a single elimination playoff.

With simplicity in mind, we’ll play exclusively on Kill Zone Volkus, using the Approved Ops game sequence and mission pack.

Note: The TO is not going to be prescriptive with match-ups. Find your own games.


Team Selection

The edition is young, a lot of participants (TO included) are beginners.

It feels right to avoid situations where players lose interest because they haven't had enough time to discover if they actually enjoy a teams playstyle, and are then stuck with that faction for the duration of the league.

Each player can register up to two factions prior to their first game.

Note: Changing faction depending on weekly matchup is not how this is intended.



There are nine total missions for Approved Ops, but again, for simplicity, let’s use the following three missions.

Number 1. Secure

Number 3. Transmission

Number 4. Upload

Note: If you have a rules dispute, the CYRAC Discord has a rules-questions channel.



Keep track of your games scores, total victory points will be used as a tie-break where there is parity with overall league points.

To report results, either use the Wrexhammer Kill Team group chat, or message the TO (Nathaniel Reign) directly.

Note: The league will begin on Nov 6, roughly a month after the launch of the new edition, have fun, good luck and remember…


League Table

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